

1. What is your history with dance in SL?
I started dancing on Gor and entered many contests and won many contests. A few years ago BabyPea asked me to join Elysium but I did not know much about mainstream dancing. Finally 5 years ago, I knew enough to try. so here I am enjoying every minute from creating my stage to getting my costume and doing my routine.

2. What do you enjoy the most about SL dance?
It gives me a platform to create with very few restrictions. It also gives me the opportunity to meet many interesting people.

3. What do you enjoy the least about SL dance?
The many lindens it takes to create what is my vision of a dance.

4. What has been your best experience in SL dance?
The dancers that I have met along the way, and having that feeling that I belong to a dance community and that I can depend on other choreographers if I need help.

5. Out of all the dances you have created or participated in, which is your fave?
That is a difficult question but if I had only one dance to dance over and over it would be “Illusion.” Danced with Kyser.

6. What message would you like to leave for your fans or the dance community?
When I perform my dances what makes it special is seeing the positive response from an audience, because I dance to make people smile.

7. Anything else you’d like to share?
If anyone wants to learn to create a dance do not think you can’t, many will help you achieve your goals.